A community bank in the truest sense
Farmers State Bank is deeply rooted in this community. More than just a name or a financial institution, the bank is the people who work here, who were born and raised in this area, people you see every day as friends, family and neighbors.
When you deposit money in a Farmers State Bank account, your money helps this community grow and prosper. When you get a loan from Farmers State Bank, you benefit from resources contributed by people you know here.
And beyond the business side, we're always active in various community events to help people however we can. It's all part of the Blue Button Banking spirit.
Below you can see just some of the ways Farmers State Bank gets involved and gives back.

Feed My Starving Children Event
FSB Bankers volunteering at the Feed My Starving Children Event in September 2022

Crossroads United Way 2022
Crossroads United Way recognized Farmers State Bank as LaGrange County's largest donation campaign contributor for 2022, covering Elkhart, LaGrange and Noble counties. Pictured are employees from our LaGrange Operations Center.

Reason 4 Hope Meals of Hope 2022
FSB Bankers volunteering for Reason 4 Hope Meals of Hope in 2022

United Way Golf Outing Hole
Steuben County United Way Golf Outing Hole Sponsor in August 2022

Paddle for Parkview
Paddle for Parkview Host Sponsor and Participants in June 2022

Steuben County United Way Day of Caring
FSB Volunteers at the Steuben County United Way Day of Caring in June 2022

Chamber Annual Meeting and Expo
LaGrange Chamber Annual Meeting and Expo in January 2022

Saving Time and Money
Works like a check only it’s faster, easier and more convenient.
Farmers State Bank debit cards give you quick and easy access to your funds when you need it.